Success Stories

Dutch Navy

The Royal Netherlands Navy is exploring possibilities for workplace learning using the 5 Moments of Need® methodology.

The Challenge

The Royal Netherlands Navy is constantly looking for innovative ways to better train and support their personnel. Currently, most training programs are focused on traditional, classroom-based learning solutions that require sailors to leave their work environment. The Ministry of Defence aims to modernize this approach by making knowledge and information accessible anytime and anywhere, thereby increasing the effectiveness of training and education programs.

The Solution

Together with Xprtise, the Royal Netherlands Navy started a Proof of Concept (PoC) based on the 5 Moments of Need® methodology. During an in-company 5 Moments of Need® Designer Certificate program, five employees learned how to apply this approach to improve workplace performance. Pilot projects were set up for logistical personnel (Botteliers) and non-commissioned officers in the Logistics Service Catering (Hofmeesters), focusing on supporting critical tasks such as inventory management and meal provisioning on ships. The ultimate goal is to explore how the methodology fits within existing processes and discover what is needed to implement it.

The Impact

» Improved Performance Support: The new approach enables essential information to be delivered “just in time” and “just in place,” leading to better knowledge retention and higher efficiency in task execution.
» Higher Performance: By applying workplace learning, Navy colleagues can perform their tasks more effectively, contributing to a measurable improvement in operational performance.
» Broad Acceptance: Positive results have led to interest in expanding the methodology to other branches of Defence.

Future Plan

The Royal Netherlands Navy continues to work on integrating workplace learning within their organization. Further steps are being taken to more widely implement the 5 Moments of Need® methodology, both for new and existing training programs, such as the Vertical Launch System (the weapons system) and the Leader Attack Plan (LAP) for firefighting on ships.

We are very excited about this way of learning and development. It will certainly help us achieve better and more measurable performance for our naval colleagues.

– Moritz Feitsma, Training Advisor at the Ministry of Defence

Ready to implement the 5 Moments of Need® methodology?

If you want to develop innovative workplace learning solutions and make learning in the workplace truly possible, or if you’re interested in joining the 5 Moments of Need® Designer Certificate program, please contact us to discuss how the 5 Moments of Need® methodology can be applied in your organization.

Our services

Establish and implement successful learning strategies

The team

The team involved

Meet one of our consultants

Neeltje de Ruijter

Head of Technology

Iris Oomen


Miek Borger

Consultant & Trainer

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Xprtise B.V. Parallelweg 27, 5223 AL, 's-Hertogenbosch