Success stories

Waterschap De Dommel

AskDelphi as a knowledge management tool: All company information available in one central location for employees of Waterschap De Dommel.

The Challenge

Waterschap De Dommel ensures clean and sufficient water in the Midden-Brabant region. With over 500 employees, efficient knowledge sharing is crucial. The existing knowledge management system was no longer sufficient and was discontinued, prompting the water board to search for a new solution. The challenge was to find a user-friendly and future-proof tool that provides all employees – from office staff to field workers – easy access to up-to-date company information.

The Solution

The water board chose the Digitale Coach AskDelphi as its knowledge management tool. This digital platform, called ‘Breinwater,’ provides employees with access to relevant information anytime and anywhere. This includes manuals for applications, procedures, and practical information such as reserving meeting rooms. The migration to the new knowledge management system took place mostly online, but with the right guidance from Xprtise, the implementation was successfully completed.

The Impact

» Faster and more efficient knowledge sharing: Employees can quickly find the information they need without relying on colleagues or the IT department.
» Ease of use & time savings: Where updates once took hours, changes can now be implemented and published immediately.
» Faster onboarding of new employees: New colleagues quickly get up to speed within the organization and can start working independently right away.
» Better support for field staff: On-site employees have direct access to relevant procedures and work instructions

Future plan

To better support field staff, ‘Breinwater’ is being further optimized for mobile use. This makes it even easier to access information on the go.

We strive for self-sufficient colleagues. This is achieved with an accessible and user-friendly knowledge management system. ‘Breinwater’ has certainly become that!

Nicole van der Graaf – van Lokven, Service Desk Agent, Waterschap De Dommel

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Photo credits: Waterschap De Dommel

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Developing and implementing successful learning strategies

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Xprtise B.V. Parallelweg 27, 5223 AL, 's-Hertogenbosch