Success stories

Samenwerkingsorganisatie Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven

The right knowledge at hand in no time, thanks to the new workplace learning solution for Samenwerkingsorganisatie Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven (SBB).

The Challenge

SBB (Samenwerkingsorganisatie Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven) helps vocational students receive the best practical training and ensures that companies have well-trained professionals. To optimally support training companies and schools, SBB wanted to develop a workplace learning solution with the goal of providing practical trainers, internship coordinators, and internal advisors with direct access to the right information, exactly when they need it. Additionally, they wanted a central solution for all the ‘scattered information’ across different platforms.

The Solution

Together with Xprtise, SBB implemented the most effective performance support solution to bring learning and information directly to the workplace. The approach included:

  • For practical trainers: A platform within a learning experience platform, where practical trainers have quick access to relevant tasks, instructions, and guidelines.
  • For SBB advisors: A knowledge base in SharePoint, focused on efficiency and time savings when advising training companies.
  • For service desk employees: A structured information portal to better support internal employees.

By centralizing all available information and making it accessible based on workflows, employees can now work much faster and more efficiently.

The Impact

» Less time spent searching, more time for content-based support: Advisors can immediately find the correct information and focus more on complex issues.

» Higher quality of service: Both internal and external target groups have direct access to relevant and accurate information, leading to better support and fewer errors.

» Consistency in work processes: A central information source prevents fragmentation and ensures that employees always work with the same up-to-date knowledge.

Future plan

SBB will continue to expand and improve the workplace learning solution. The basic tasks of the advisors have now been mapped. The next step is to optimize information clusters and involve multiple customer groups, such as educational institutions. Additionally, the service desk is exploring how to better structure their own information provision.

By implementing workplace learning, practical trainers and advisors can quickly find the right information to perform their work optimally. This saves time and increases the quality of our service delivery.

Jet Boer, Team Coordinator and Project Manager at SBB

Curious about the possibilities for your organization?

Would you like to make workplace learning a reality or are you interested in participating in the 5 Moments of Need® Designer Certificate program? Contact us to discuss the approach and application of the 5 Moments of Need® methodology for your organization.

Photo credits: SBB

Our services

Developing and implementing successful learning strategies

The team

The involved team

Meet one of our consultants

Glenn van Loon


Saskia Huussen

Head of Consultancy

Marloes Thielen


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Xprtise B.V. Parallelweg 27, 5223 AL, 's-Hertogenbosch